10 Bands You Need In Your Ears Right Now

B-DOE's music

Here’s 10 bands you need in your ears right now whether you’re barely hanging in there, “working” from home, or sunbathing bucknekkid on yer back porch with a quarantini. Enjoy!

Austin’s own Eric Tessmer wields a flamethrower as a guitar and melts faces on the reg at his live shows. Check out Eric Tessmer featuring Nancy Wilson with their cover of “Policy of Truth”.


Jimmy Eat World will be on every playlist I ever curate. It’s just that simple. Here’s one that always puts a smile on my face.


Have you heard of Nané? I ab-so-lute-ly love this band and the high-powered energy they bring to their live shows. Spread the word and see them out when you can!


You need some rock in your life. I get it. You’re pissed because TOOL hasn’t made the list yet. How do you pick just one TOOL song to showcase? I got you covered…


Seriously, speaking of some rock, how about a newish one from …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead! I have so many memories of seeing this band live, with a thousand people, all bumping in to each other. It seems so foreign and abstract now. The concept of people, not this band. From, ‘Source Tags and Codes’, to their tenth album, ‘X: The Godless Void and Other Stories’, you can’t go wrong wherever you dive in to rock with some Trail of Dead!


One of the last concerts I saw out in the real world pre-pandemic was Bishop Briggs at Stubb’s. She rocked and I’ll never forget how blown away she was by how many people were there… seems like years ago now.


Rolling Stones. Nuff said. Give me some Stones from any era, please. I think this one is pretty spot on considering the circumstances…



Need something to play whilst you bang your head on your kitchen table, I mean, your new desk at your home ‘office’? Well, here’s some ‘Tallica for ya. Did you know ‘Tallica has a whiskey out there called BLACKENED? If yer 21+up, enjoy some (the booze is giving back to the service industry during pandemic!) and check out these sweet masks in this video. Try recreating your own coronavirus mask to pass the time.


Here’s a full on Grateful Dead concert, cuz lord knows we need to relax and take a deep breath with all this craziness around us. Seriously, don’t forget to breathe. Here’s also hopin you have a lil green left to enjoy this show and your not scraping resin like you’re a teenager again.



And what playlist would be complete without a NYC subway performer playing a flute upside down suspended by rope? You’re welcome.

What bands do YOU think I need to be listening to?



Sick of being quarantined? Where in the world would you rather be… RIGHT NOW?

Anywhere But Where I Currently Am…

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