LYLVC co-hosts the L.A. Lloyd Rock 30 this Saturday
How do you pronounce LYLVC? Simple say it like “lilac.” Now that you’re in the loop, LA Lloyd is very happy to welcome Alyse Zavala and Oscar Romero to co-host the L.A. Lloyd Rock 30 this Saturday
How do you pronounce LYLVC? Simple say it like “lilac.” Now that you’re in the loop, LA Lloyd is very happy to welcome Alyse Zavala and Oscar Romero to co-host the L.A. Lloyd Rock 30 this Saturday
With the holidays comes the end of the year and a year-end roundup of the best metal tunes of 2024! (According to Chuck, at least.) DISCLAIMERS: *may not be the best, but just some shit he likes
All Photos by Stan Martin
Mary Kaye has been a part of our radio family for decades. Unfortunately, she has endured one constant thorn in her side: a nemesis so powerful that she waited on her last day to take it down…
Hey hey! My name is Tori, I am 5’6″ on a good day, and I want to be the next KLBJ Rock Girl! I am originally from Houston and I am currently a government and social work