Miss KLBJ Rock Girl Ashley

Miss KLBJ Rock Girl Ashley

I am an ambitious red-head with a passion for art, music, science, food, and adventure.

What kind of Rock Girl photo shoot do you envision?
I envision a photo shoot that would help bring the heat back to Texas where it belongs.

What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen or been a part of in Austin?

6th Street. There is so much diversity in this town that you never know what will happen or what you’ll see. Always be prepared. It’s awesome.

Who is your favorite KLBJ Radio Personality?

Dudley and Bob

How does being a Rock Girl further your life goals?

Just being a finalist is farther than I expected to get in this competition. But if I were to win, I would definitely be able to knock off a few things off my bucket list. Maybe it would open a door or two. Who knows.

Why? (not related to the above just an existential question)

You only live twice.




Miss KLBJ Rock Girl Ashley

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